Covenant Membership
A faithfully present people committed to be the church together.
Covenant Membership
A faithfully present people committed to be the church together.
The church isn’t a building you go to or an event you attend…
it’s a people, a family, that you are a part of…a place to belong.

Our consumeristic culture encourages people to keep their commitments light and to dabble — take a little from here, a little from there. But the biblical vision for church involvement is a robust, relational commitment to the teaching and the common life of a church (see Acts 2:42-47). Historically, Christian churches have called believers to express that commitment through covenant membership.
The church isn’t a building you go to or an event you attend…
it’s a people, a family, that you are a part of…a place to belong.

Our consumeristic culture encourages people to keep their commitments light and to dabble — take a little from here, a little from there. But the biblical vision for church involvement is a robust, relational commitment to the teaching and the common life of a church (see Acts 2:42-47). Historically, Christian churches have called believers to express that commitment through covenant membership.
The church isn’t a building you go to or an event you attend…
it’s a people, a family, that you are a part of…a place to belong.

Our consumeristic culture encourages people to keep their commitments light and to dabble — take a little from here, a little from there. But the biblical vision for church involvement is a robust, relational commitment to the teaching and the common life of a church (see Acts 2:42-47). Historically, Christian churches have called believers to express that commitment through covenant membership.
We don’t expect people to become members in their first weeks or even months of getting involved at Frontline — it’s a big enough commitment that we’d rather people make the decision to commit slowly. It takes time to figure out who a church is and what they’re all about and no one is going to rush you. We also acknowledge that church membership can carry some baggage from prior experience and hurt, but we believe that church membership reflects what church really is: the unified body of Christ (see 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12).

We don’t expect people to become members in their first weeks or even months of getting involved at Frontline — it’s a big enough commitment that we’d rather people make the decision to commit slowly. It takes time to figure out who a church is and what they’re all about and no one is going to rush you. We also acknowledge that church membership can carry some baggage from prior experience and hurt, but we believe that church membership reflects what church really is: the unified body of Christ (see 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12).

We don’t expect people to become members in their first weeks or even months of getting involved at Frontline — it’s a big enough commitment that we’d rather people make the decision to commit slowly. It takes time to figure out who a church is and what they’re all about and no one is going to rush you. We also acknowledge that church membership can carry some baggage from prior experience and hurt, but we believe that church membership reflects what church really is: the unified body of Christ (see 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12).

Our Membership Class goes through what it means to be the church together. We’ll talk about our history and story, our mission/vision/distinctive values, and how we will make disciples together. We host our Membership Class twice a year or you can request the audio files by connecting with us. If you are interested in becoming a member we would love to connect with you:

Our Membership Class goes through what it means to be the church together. We’ll talk about our history and story, our mission/vision/distinctive values, and how we will make disciples together. We host our Membership Class twice a year or you can request the audio files by connecting with us. If you are interested in becoming a member we would love to connect with you:

Our Membership Class goes through what it means to be the church together. We’ll talk about our history and story, our mission/vision/distinctive values, and how we will make disciples together. We host our Membership Class twice a year or you can request the audio files by connecting with us. If you are interested in becoming a member we would love to connect with you: