Our Vision
We aim to be a faithfully present people who know CHRIST and make HIM known.
It’s easy to get vision and mission confused. Vision is what we are striving/aiming for (what we hope to grow into more and more) and mission is what we are going to do to get to the vision. Put simply, vision is what we are aiming for and mission is how we will get there.

It’s easy to get vision and mission confused. Vision is what we are striving/aiming for (what we hope to grow into more and more) and mission is what we are going to do to get to the vision.
Put simply, vision is what we are aiming for and mission is how we will get there.
Put simply, vision is what we are aiming for and mission is how we will get there.

When you think of the word “church,” what comes to mind? Often we think of a place we go to or an event we attend. The Bible talks about the church in a completely different way. The church isn’t a building or an event, the church is a people, saved through the work of their older brother Jesus and adopted into the family of God. A people who gather together and scatter together to know Christ and make him known. WE are the church. Those who have confessed our sins and turned to Jesus as our only help in life and death. WE are the church and Jesus is the head of his church.

When you think of the word “church,” what comes to mind? Often we think of a place we go to or an event we attend. The Bible talks about the church in a completely different way. The church isn’t a building or an event, the church is a people, saved through the work of their older brother Jesus and adopted into the family of God. A people who gather together and scatter together to know Christ and make him known. WE are the church. Those who have confessed our sins and turned to Jesus as our only help in life and death. WE are the church and Jesus is the head of his church.

When you think of the word “church,” what comes to mind? Often we think of a place we go to or an event we attend. The Bible talks about the church in a completely different way. The church isn’t a building or an event, the church is a people, saved through the work of their older brother Jesus and adopted into the family of God. A people who gather together and scatter together to know Christ and make him known. WE are the church. Those who have confessed our sins and turned to Jesus as our only help in life and death. WE are the church and Jesus is the head of his church.

- GOD — One of the church fathers, Augustine of Hippo, said, “You have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they find rest in you.” We were made for relationship with God and our lives will be marked by restless pursuit of lesser things until we find ourselves resting in him. This is the reason we strive to be a people faithfully present to God.
- OURSELVES —At first, this may sound odd. John Calvin started his great work The Institutes of the Christian Religion by saying: “Nearly all the wisdom which we possess, that is to say, true and sound wisdom, consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves. But, while joined by many bonds, which one precedes and brings forth the other is not easy to discern.” We want to be a people who do the hard work of knowing ourselves also. We want to bring our whole selves to God and to do that we have to know ourselves. We have to, like the Psalmist in Psalm 42, ask questions of our hearts and do it in the presence of God.
- OTHERS — As a people who are learning to be faithfully present to God and to ourselves, we can strive to be faithfully present to others also. To actually care about other people, to be interested in their story rather than always talking about ourselves, to truly listen to people rather than just waiting to speak again. To make disciples we have to know people and to know people we have to be present to them.
- GOD — One of the church fathers, Augustine of Hippo, said, “You have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they find rest in you.” We were made for relationship with God and our lives will be marked by restless pursuit of lesser things until we find ourselves resting in him. This is the reason we strive to be a people faithfully present to God.
- OURSELVES —At first, this may sound odd. John Calvin started his great work The Institutes of the Christian Religion by saying: “Nearly all the wisdom which we possess, that is to say, true and sound wisdom, consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves. But, while joined by many bonds, which one precedes and brings forth the other is not easy to discern.” We want to be a people who do the hard work of knowing ourselves also. We want to bring our whole selves to God and to do that we have to know ourselves. We have to, like the Psalmist in Psalm 42, ask questions of our hearts and do it in the presence of God.
- OTHERS — As a people who are learning to be faithfully present to God and to ourselves, we can strive to be faithfully present to others also. To actually care about other people, to be interested in their story rather than always talking about ourselves, to truly listen to people rather than just waiting to speak again. To make disciples we have to know people and to know people we have to be present to them.

- GOD — One of the church fathers, Augustine of Hippo, said, “You have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they find rest in you.” We were made for relationship with God and our lives will be marked by restless pursuit of lesser things until we find ourselves resting in him. This is the reason we strive to be a people faithfully present to God.
- OURSELVES —At first, this may sound odd. John Calvin started his great work The Institutes of the Christian Religion by saying: “Nearly all the wisdom which we possess, that is to say, true and sound wisdom, consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves. But, while joined by many bonds, which one precedes and brings forth the other is not easy to discern.” We want to be a people who do the hard work of knowing ourselves also. We want to bring our whole selves to God and to do that we have to know ourselves. We have to, like the Psalmist in Psalm 42, ask questions of our hearts and do it in the presence of God.
- OTHERS — As a people who are learning to be faithfully present to God and to ourselves, we can strive to be faithfully present to others also. To actually care about other people, to be interested in their story rather than always talking about ourselves, to truly listen to people rather than just waiting to speak again. To make disciples we have to know people and to know people we have to be present to them.

Jesus said in John 17:3, “This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and the one you have sent—Jesus Christ.” Eternal life comes from knowing God through knowing Christ. This knowing is so much more than the mere mental assent, it involves a personal relationship with Jesus, truly knowing him rather than just knowing things about him.

Jesus said in John 17:3, “This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and the one you have sent—Jesus Christ.” Eternal life comes from knowing God through knowing Christ. This knowing is so much more than the mere mental assent, it involves a personal relationship with Jesus, truly knowing him rather than just knowing things about him.

Jesus said in John 17:3, “This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and the one you have sent—Jesus Christ.” Eternal life comes from knowing God through knowing Christ. This knowing is so much more than the mere mental assent, it involves a personal relationship with Jesus, truly knowing him rather than just knowing things about him.
As a faithfully present people who know Christ, our aim in life ought to be to make him known as well. Paul says in Acts 20:24, “I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” His whole aim in life was to know Christ and make him known. As we grow together as a church, may our aim in life be the same.

Our Mission
Love God, Love People, Push Back Darkness
So, how do we get there? Our vision is worked out and realized as we participate in the same mission Jesus practiced when He walked the earth. Our mission is Jesus’ mission. Throughout the gospels we see Jesus
loving God, loving people, and pushing back darkness.
loving God, loving people, and pushing back darkness.
As a faithfully present people who know Christ, our aim in life ought to be to make him known as well. Paul says in Acts 20:24, “I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” His whole aim in life was to know Christ and make him known. As we grow together as a church, may our aim in life be the same.

Our Mission
Love God, Love People, Push Back Darkness
So, how do we get there?
Our vision is worked out and realized as we participate in the same mission Jesus practiced when He walked the earth. Our mission is Jesus’ mission. Throughout the gospels we see Jesus
loving God, loving people, and pushing back darkness.
Our vision is worked out and realized as we participate in the same mission Jesus practiced when He walked the earth. Our mission is Jesus’ mission. Throughout the gospels we see Jesus
loving God, loving people, and pushing back darkness.
As a faithfully present people who know Christ, our aim in life ought to be to make him known as well. Paul says in Acts 20:24, “I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” His whole aim in life was to know Christ and make him known. As we grow together as a church, may our aim in life be the same.

Our Mission
Love God, Love People, Push Back Darkness
So, how do we get there? Our vision is worked out and realized as we participate in the same mission Jesus practiced when He walked the earth. Our mission is Jesus’ mission. Throughout the gospels we see Jesus
loving God, loving people, and pushing back darkness.
loving God, loving people, and pushing back darkness.

How do we know Christ and make Him known unless we actively pursue a relationship with Him while receiving love from Him? We love God by being regularly and consistently present with him. We offer him our attention, time, affection, possessions, and talents. We engage in loving God when we gather as the church for worship and experience his transforming work through the Spirit. We also engage in loving God as we scatter, practicing daily habits of devotion and delight.

How do we know Christ and make Him known unless we actively pursue a relationship with Him while receiving love from Him? We love God by being regularly and consistently present with him. We offer him our attention, time, affection, possessions, and talents. We engage in loving God when we gather as the church for worship and experience his transforming work through the Spirit. We also engage in loving God as we scatter, practicing daily habits of devotion and delight.

How do we know Christ and make Him known unless we actively pursue a relationship with Him while receiving love from Him? We love God by being regularly and consistently present with him. We offer him our attention, time, affection, possessions, and talents. We engage in loving God when we gather as the church for worship and experience his transforming work through the Spirit. We also engage in loving God as we scatter, practicing daily habits of devotion and delight.
Through creation, God has imparted equal value, dignity, and worth to all people by making us his image-bearers. This means everyone’s stories matter. The joys and pains of our individual journeys have eternal weight and significance. People matter to God, and he is perfectly present with us in every part of our lives. We embody God’s love for people when we are present with one another. Through the Church, by God’s grace, many of these stories are being redeemed in the context of God’s story.

Through creation, God has imparted equal value, dignity, and worth to all people by making us his image-bearers. This means everyone’s stories matter. The joys and pains of our individual journeys have eternal weight and significance. People matter to God, and he is perfectly present with us in every part of our lives. We embody God’s love for people when we are present with one another. Through the Church, by God’s grace, many of these stories are being redeemed in the context of God’s story.

Through creation, God has imparted equal value, dignity, and worth to all people by making us his image-bearers. This means everyone’s stories matter. The joys and pains of our individual journeys have eternal weight and significance. People matter to God, and he is perfectly present with us in every part of our lives. We embody God’s love for people when we are present with one another. Through the Church, by God’s grace, many of these stories are being redeemed in the context of God’s story.

Jesus’ incarnation, life, death, and resurrection, are the culmination of God’s plan to restore and rescue his people from their sin and from a fallen world. At the end of time, this work will be complete at the return of Jesus. In this in-between time where we live, God has sovereignly designed the Church to be his physical presence on the earth, continuing the ongoing work of Jesus. Through the empowering of the Holy Spirit, we have been commissioned to set right what is wrong, to heal what is broken, and take ground from the defeated kingdom of darkness for the victorious Kingdom of Heaven. This is an incredible work that God is accomplishing through the lives of Christians practicing simple devotion to Jesus. Practically speaking, we believe this works itself out as we live in missional communities together.

Jesus’ incarnation, life, death, and resurrection, are the culmination of God’s plan to restore and rescue his people from their sin and from a fallen world. At the end of time, this work will be complete at the return of Jesus. In this in-between time where we live, God has sovereignly designed the Church to be his physical presence on the earth, continuing the ongoing work of Jesus. Through the empowering of the Holy Spirit, we have been commissioned to set right what is wrong, to heal what is broken, and take ground from the defeated kingdom of darkness for the victorious Kingdom of Heaven. This is an incredible work that God is accomplishing through the lives of Christians practicing simple devotion to Jesus. Practically speaking, we believe this works itself out as we live in missional communities together.

Jesus’ incarnation, life, death, and resurrection, are the culmination of God’s plan to restore and rescue his people from their sin and from a fallen world. At the end of time, this work will be complete at the return of Jesus. In this in-between time where we live, God has sovereignly designed the Church to be his physical presence on the earth, continuing the ongoing work of Jesus. Through the empowering of the Holy Spirit, we have been commissioned to set right what is wrong, to heal what is broken, and take ground from the defeated kingdom of darkness for the victorious Kingdom of Heaven. This is an incredible work that God is accomplishing through the lives of Christians practicing simple devotion to Jesus. Practically speaking, we believe this works itself out as we live in missional communities together.